II. Cooperation with the main partner countries

Cooperation with the main partner countries

Burkina Faso - Dwellings in the refugee camp

Burkina Faso - Dwellings in the refugee camp

Cooperation with civil society in partner countries

In 2013, Luxembourg devoted 17.71% of its ODA to national and international NGOs. This demonstrates the importance given to organisations in civil society which play a decisive, complementary role in actions supported by governments especially through the promotion of participative, rights-based approaches. Luxembourg’s development cooperation directly supports a large number of local NGOs in the partner countries and at the regional level.

This is the case in Nicaragua, where Luxembourg supports local civil society by means of participation in two joint multi-donor funds: the Fund for Gender Equality and Reproductive Rights and the Fund for the Support of Civil Society and Democratic Governance. In El Salvador, the approach is slightly different. A fund for calls for proposals by civil society organisations has been set up. This fund is managed by the Vice-Ministry for Development Cooperation and finances projects in the fields of sustainable development, human rights, gender equality and good governance.

In the environmental sector, Luxembourg supports community organisations in Vietnam to equip themselves to steer innovative initiatives in the area of mitigation of the effects of climate change. In Burkina Faso, an environment intervention fund has been put in place to support the associations and local NGOs in implementing actions for the sustainable management of forestry resources or adaptation to climate change.

In the north of Mali, Luxembourg’s development cooperation supports local NGOs in order to support the return of populations to the 11 districts in the Kidal region. At the regional level in West Africa, we should note the continuation of direct support for the ENDA Tiers Monde network and the regional project to prevent HIV/AIDS of ENDA Santé.

Finally, the support for local civil society in the partner countries is also strengthened via the funds for micro-projects available to the Luxembourg embassies in the countries concerned.