Cabo Verde - Two medical visits to schools as part of the School Health project
The role which the private sector can play in terms of eradicating poverty is vital, both as a source of funding and also as a development actor. The creation of decent jobs, inclusion, especially of women and young people, and the creation of local added value to generate taxable income are the key elements of the sustainable growth of a developing country. In Luxembourg’s focus sectors of vocational training and inclusive finance, the involvement of the local private sector is particularly appropriate.
Thus, Luxembourg directly supports the association of microfinance institutions in Nicaragua and El Salvador. As part of the ICP with Nicaragua, Luxembourg promotes collaboration between the national Chamber of Tourism (CANATUR), the Nicaraguan Chamber for the micro, small and medium-sized tourist industry (CANTUR), the national institute of tourism (INTUR) and a private foundation. Tripartite agreements enable the development of a high-quality offer by the local SMEs and the promotion of regional tourist destinations such as the Coffee Route.
As part of Cabo Verde’s integrated policy for education, training and employment, Luxembourg is financing technical assistance in order to increase by 40% the number of public-private partnerships in this sector.
In West Africa, Luxembourg development cooperation supports rural entrepreneurship. In Burkina Faso, the National Programme for Multifunctional Platforms supports agri-food processing activities carried out by rural women’s groups, through their access to energy services. In Niger, the Luxembourg programme supports agricultural producers in the Dosso region in developing economically advantageous agricultural activities.