II. Cooperation with the main partner countries


village in Laos


Population 6,48 millions
Surface area 236800 km2
GNP per inhabitant (PPP in $) 3 068
Classification in HDI 133/187

Laos is one of the fifteen most advanced countries in the EU’s joint programming. The objective of this mechanism – which Luxembourg has supported since its inception and in which it actively participates – is to produce, based on a joint analysis, a joint programming document covering all the European donors’ projects in close connection with the partner country’s development strategy. In this framework, Luxembourg is involved in the following fields: good governance, rural development, healthcare and vocational training.

Luxembourg is not only an active participant in the coordination of EU assistance but is also part of the round table process organised jointly by the Laos government and the UNDP, a process that Luxembourg has been co-financing since 2007. The round table brings together all the donors (both bilateral and multilateral) from Laos every year in Vientiane and acts as a platform to coordinate international aid. It is worth noting that civil society, both in Laos and internationally, is gradually becoming better connected to this mechanism.

These two mechanisms – EU joint programming and the round table process – are contributing to making development cooperation more effective, consistent and sustainable. They are also strengthening the partner country’s national development process and ownership.