II. Cooperation with the main partner countries


“Mounkaila” crafts workshop in Bimi N’Gaouré


Population 16,6 millions
Surface area 1267000 km2
GNP per inhabitant (PPP in $) 720
Classification in HDI 186/187

Following the delay in the performance of the Luxembourg cooperation programme in Niger during the evaluation of the ICP II which occurred in 2012 and following the extension of the latter until 2015, 2013 has been characterised by an acceleration of support, in particular through strengthening the institutional and organisational capacities of the main implementing partners.


Furthermore, the extension of ICP II, accompanied by an increase in its indicative budget, has enabled, on the one hand, a strengthening of the activities and the creation of pathways in the focal sectors and, on the other hand, the identification of new support for the sectors of water and sanitation and the management of public finances.

In parallel, Luxembourg cooperation, in concert with other donors, has contributed to strengthening political and sector-based dialogue, in particular through better alignment with the national strategies and as part of the implementation of the European donors’ joint programming.