Vocational training centre in Missabougou
Vocational training centre in Missabougou
Population 16,3 millions
Surface area 1240192 km2
GNP per inhabitant (PPP in $) 1040
Classification in HDI 182/187
The successful presidential elections in July and August 2013, with the election of new President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, marked the return to civil rule following the coup d’état of 22 March 2012. The legislative elections held in November and December 2013 then enabled the establishment of a new national Assembly. Luxembourg’s development cooperation, through its activities in Bamako and Ségou, and also in Timbuktu and Kidal, continued its support throughout the crisis with its interim strategy 2013-14 in order to assist Mali to return to stability.
The ICP II is aligned with national procedures via its activities at the decentralised level, which are mainly led by the national agency for local district investment (ANICT). Making the partners responsible is, moreover, encouraged via the operational partnership agreements and the implementation agreements granted to national departments, to local districts and actors in Malian civil society.