Refugee camp in Sagnioniogo
Population 17,5 millions
Surface area 274 220 km2
GNP per inhabitant (PPP in $) 1300
Classification in HDI 183/187
In Burkina Faso, Luxembourg’s cooperation focuses its support mainly on sectors in natural resource management and technical and vocational training. 2013 has been characterised by the substantiation of programme-based approaches in these sectors as well as identifying and starting new support as part of the extension of the ICP II to 2015.
Due to this extension of the ICP II, which was granted an additional budget, the interventions of Luxembourg cooperation in Burkina have been extended to the sectors of basic education and information and communication technologies.
In parallel, Luxembourg played an active role in the inter-donor consultation and coordination bodies as part of the joint programming process as well as with some sector-based ministries in its capacity as head of the technical and financial partners in the technical and vocational education and training sector.