The government’s programme for the 2013-2018 period specifies that “in quantitative terms, Luxembourg development cooperation shall be maintained at 1% of GNI, placing Luxembourg in the top rank of countries demonstrating a high degree of solidarity within the international community.”
In 2013, Luxembourg’s official development assistance (ODA) amounted to 323 037 939 euros. The objective as a percentage of gross national income was thus achieved and ODA amounted in 2013 to 1.00%.
At the international level, Luxembourg, Denmark, Norway and Sweden exceeded the objective of providing 0.7% of GNI as ODA, which was also achieved by the United Kingdom for the first time. However, the Netherlands’ contribution fell below 0.7% for the first time since 1974. Luxembourg remained stable, allocating, as in previous years, 1.00% of its GNI to ODA, behind Norway and Sweden, which allocated 1.07% and 1.02% respectively.
We should also note that, in 2013, overall development assistance increased by 6.1% in real terms, totalling 134.8 billion US dollars – its highest ever level.
At the European level, in 2013, the net ODA of the 28 Member States of the EU totalled 71.2 billion dollars, i.e. 0.41% of their accumulated GNI. The net payments by the EU institutions to developing countries and multilateral organisations amounted to 15.9 billion US dollars, a drop of 13.1% compared top 2012: this is essentially due to a fall in the volume of “soft” loans.