II. Cooperation with the main partner countries

Cooperation with the main partner countries

Niger - Audiovisual maintenance and vocational training workshop in Dosso

Niger - Audiovisual maintenance and vocational training workshop in Dosso

Triangular and South-South cooperation

The cooperation programmes may be usefully complemented and strengthened by the expertise brought to bear by emerging countries or institutions from other countries in the region of our partner countries. Thus, the Brazilian national industrial training service (SENAI) has particular skills in the field of financing the vocational training sector, especially in creating alliances with the private sector. In Nicaragua and Cabo Verde, the Luxembourg cooperation partner institutions in this sector benefit from SENAI’s expertise in this field.

Likewise, the Mexican national institute for vocational and technical education is enhancing the quality of technical education in the tourism sector in Nicaragua by training the trainers and revising the existing educational materials. In the Nicaraguan health sector, collaboration exists with the Latin American School of Medicine based in Havana.

In Laos, Luxembourg is promoting cooperation with Thailand, especially at the inter-University level with the Law faculty in Vientiane and in terms of capacity-building in the rural health centres, especially by Thai training staff.

Finally, Luxembourg development cooperation supported Cabo Verde in 2013 in formulating a project of triangular cooperation between Cabo Verde and the Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe in the field of vocational training. The skills acquired by Cabo Verde in recent years can thus be replicated in São Tomé and Príncipe.