Mali - Installing drainage
The Indicative Cooperation Programmes (ICPs) of Luxembourg’s development cooperation function in accordance with the principles of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation as specified in Busan in 2011. Luxembourg intends to promote the more systematic application of the principles of ownership and alignment within a framework of inclusive partnership and mutual accountability.
In this part of the report, cooperation with the main partner countries will be set out in line with the five major principles specified in Busan:
This modernisation of Luxembourg’s development cooperation goes hand in hand with a certain continuity. As in the past, Luxembourg aid is based solely on donations; most of Luxembourg’s partner countries are in West Africa and are some of the least developed countries (LDC) on the globe.
The ICPs with Burkina Faso and Niger have been extended from 2013 to 2015. The extension in Burkina Faso is focused on the Basic Education Sector Programme, through a joint financing mechanism, and a programme to support new information and communication technologies (ICT). In Niger, the Luxembourg programme is aligned with the 3N initiative (“Nigeriens Nourish Nigeriens”),”) and the basic education programme has been extended to all the administrative areas of the Dosso region.
2013 saw a resumption of formal cooperation relations with Mali, in particular based on the commitments made in the transition road map adopted by the Malian national assembly. In effect, the organisation of transparent and credible elections was a condition set by Luxembourg in order to conclude an intermediate strategy in April 2013, with a view to a full resumption of development cooperation with Mali from 2015 onwards. This strategy specifies the extension of ICP II programmes until 2014 and support for strengthening the rule of law and consolidation of peace. Special attention is being paid to the programmes in the north of the country.