El Jicaro School, Municipality of Sesori (San Miguel)
Population 6,3 millions
Surface area 21040 km2
GNP per inhabitant (PPP in $) 6640
Classification in HDI 107/187
In El Salvador, the second quarter of 2013 was marked by the electoral campaign for the presidential elections in February 2014: the two main parties contesting the election were the Alianza Republicana Nacionalista (ARENA), led by the former mayor of San Salvador, and the Frente Farabundo Martípara la Liberación Nacional (FMLN), in power since 2009.
The ninth partnership committee between the two countries, which met in Luxembourg on 26 February 2013 enabled the research and diversification fund of the third Indicative Cooperation Programme (2012-2015) to be redirected to three new projects: the creation within the Ministry of External Relations of a fund for a call for tenders to finance some civil society projects, a technical assistance project in El Salvador to help the country to implement its 2012-2015 road map on aid effectiveness and an ATTF project to support the Central salvadorian Bank and Suprerintendence.