Haiti - Rebuilding of a school following the earthquake
Prevention and resilience are the third pillar of Luxembourg humanitarian action, and take place both upstream and downstream of the emergency and transition phases. At least 5% of the annual humanitarian budget is allocated for this purpose.
Because of the worrying developments in the socio-political crisis in the north of Mali, which is also affecting neighbouring countries, and because of the risks of food insecurity in various countries in the Sahel, Fondation Caritas Luxembourg received financial support from the Ministry amounting to a total of 106 250 euros for two prevention and resilience projects. The first project was designed to address or to prevent serious and moderate malnutrition in the nutritional recovery centres in Niger. The second consisted of strengthening the capacities of the Caritas network in the Sahel (in Mali, Senegal and Burkina Faso) to improve preparation for and response to humanitarian emergencies caused by the crisis in Mali.
In Bangladesh, a country frequently hit by natural disasters, the Ministry provided cofinancing of 181 900 eurosto three prevention projects by Fondation Caritas Luxembourg and Friendship International. Although they had a shared objective of risk reduction and improving living conditions for populations, the three projects nonetheless offered differing activities, such as raising the awareness of communities concerning the existing risks, the drafting of emergency plans in close collaboration with the beneficiaries, the construction of more permanent low-cost housing tailored to the needs of families or, again, the deployment of community facilities for extracting, desalinating and purifying drinking water.
In addition, Care in Luxemburg, Handicap International Luxembourg, the Luxembourg Red Cross and Fondation Caritas Luxembourg received financial support from the Ministry for the implementation of prevention and resilience projects in Bolivia, Haiti, India, Laos and Somalia. Additionnally, the Ministry made a contribution of 250 000 euros to support the work of the United Nations Office for the international strategy for disaster risk reduction (UNISDR).