ICT used for humanitarian and development purposes

Satellite-enhanced telemedicine and e-health programme for sub-Saharan Africa (eHSA)

The objective of the eHSA programme is to make it possible to create satellite-enhanced e-health and telemedicine infrastructure for sub-Saharan Africa. This infrastructure aims to supply various educational, clinical, epidemiological and administrative services to citizens and health staff. This objective is part of the strategic priorities of the socioeconomic development of sub-Saharan Africa.

The programme is made up of four separate studies analysing the potential of telemedicine in Africa, covering the following aspects:

  • governance;
  • regulation;
  • interoperability;
  • sustainability.

This project is being implemented over a four-year period (2011-2014), in partnership with the European Space Agency. The Luxembourg contribution will amount to 170 000 euros, while the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund will contribute 4 million euros.