ICT used for humanitarian and development purposes


The SATMED project is directly linked to the emergency.lu project and based to a large extent on the same equipment, the same technology and the same connectivity. SES TechCom and eMC (e-Medical Communication) – a company based in Berlin specialising in the implementation of telehealth projects – are in the process of developing the SATMED platform. This project aims to improve public health in developing and emerging countries, above all in isolated areas without local connectivity, through three sections:

  • SATMED will provide modern communication tools adapted to medical education and training to facilitate communication between doctors in developing and emerging countries and their colleagues in developed countries and, by virtue of this, the distribution of medical knowledge.
  • SATMED will supply IT infrastructure services throughout the world, including in more isolated areas. Cloud computing will enable patients’ medical data to be exchanged between professionals.
  • SATMED will be a multilevel platform capable of integrating various telehealth tools. One of the project’s priorities will be to create an architecture which enables the various existing tools in the sector to communicate with each other.

The operational partners of the development phase and the pilot phase are three Luxembourg (Fondation Follereau Luxembourg, Friendship International, Médecins sans Frontières) and two German (Archemed, Ärzte für die Dritte Welt) humanitarian NGOs.

The budget of the SATMED project is 4 528 248.05 euros for the 2013-2016 period.