Emergency shelter for people displaced by the conflict with Boko Haram © A. Jacoby
2017 development cooperation conference – panel discussion on the Nexus
Water supply in the Diffa region (Niger)
Water supply in the Diffa region (Niger)
2017 development cooperation conference – panel discussion on the Nexus
Emergency shelter for people displaced by the conflict with Boko Haram © A. Jacoby
The notion of the humanitarian - development nexus, which is currently the subject of many discussions in various international fora, refers to the link between humanitarian aid and development.
In 2017, Luxembourg closely monitored the work on the nexus, contributing in particular to the drafting of the Council’s conclusions on this link. Luxembourg supported better coordination and greater complementarity between the actions of development and humanitarian action actors. In this respect, while noting the need to safeguard the distinctive nature of humanitarian action (humanitarian principles: independence, neutrality, humanity, impartiality), Luxembourg supported initiatives aiming to contribute to a better knowledge of the situation and a joint analysis of vulnerabilities and needs.
Luxembourg also participated in work on the new European strategic approach to “Resilience”. During the preparatory process leading to the adoption of this strategy, Luxembourg welcomed the emphasis placed on the prevention of conflicts and crises. Furthermore, Luxembourg commended the aim of contributing to the creation of inclusive societies (in accordance with Agenda 2030) and the importance given to the rule of law, human rights, gender issues and sustainable development. Finally, for the implementation of the strategy, Luxembourg emphasised the need to adapt the approach to specific contexts.
In order to stimulate debate at the national level, a panel discussion at Luxembourg’s 2017 development cooperation conference focused on the nexus between humanitarian aid and development cooperation, with a special emphasis on the Sahel region. Panel members Dan Dano Mahamdou Laoualy, governor of the Diffa region (Niger), Daisy Dell (UNHCR), Marc Giacomini (European External Action Service), Cyprien Fabre (OECD) and Lazare Zoungrana (Burkina Faso Red Cross) joined Minister Romain Schneider to discuss the subject with all the participants of the 2017 conference.
For Luxembourg, the Diffa region in Niger is a concrete example of the implementation of the nexus, since Luxembourg’s development cooperation is carrying out development projects in that region and is also involved in emergency humanitarian aid.
Improving access to water and sanitation is a priority for Luxembourg’s development cooperation in order to contribute to SDG 6, which aims to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
Thus in Kargamari, in the Diffa region, the construction of water supply piping has enabled over 1800 people to gain access to drinking water. As the lead technical and financial partner in the sector, Luxembourg is supporting the Ministry of Hydraulics and Sanitation in implementing its objectives in the region and throughout the country.
In parallel, in the humanitarian field, Luxembourg is financing emergency shelters and humanitarian assistance programmes.
Since the summer of 2017, Luxembourg, in collaboration with the UNHCR, has also provided free connectivity to humanitarian workers in Diffa via the emergency.lu platform.