Grand Duke Henri high school in Assomada
Population 0,54 million
Surface area 4 033 km2
GNP per inhabitant (PPP in $) 6 220
Classification in HDI 122/188
ICP IV (2016-2020) 48 million EUR
Following the legislative year and numerous government changes in 2016, 2017 saw the appointment of key people within the Ministries. The three-way cooperation project with Sao Tomé and Principe on study scholarships was started and the guidelines for the research and technical assistance fund, the fund for the diversification of bilateral relations and the decentralisation fund were finalised. In order to give further support to the CERMI (Centre for Renewable Energy and Industrial Maintenance), a report was produced on establishing a “3C” skills centre for renewable energy in Cabo Verde. The agreement to extend the support programme for the water and sanitation sector and the agreement to support the renewable energy sector (PASER) were both signed at the partnership committee meeting.