Cooperation with the main partner countries


Renovation of water tanks in Nicaragua


Population 6,15 million
Surface area 130 370 km2
GNP per inhabitant (PPP in $) 5 530
Classification in HDI 124/188
ICP III (2011-2017) 56,4 million EUR

After being a partner country for many years, Nicaragua arrived at its third Indicative Cooperation Programme (2011-2014), which was extended from 2015 to 2017 with a budget of 21 million euros. This extension continued the existing support provided to the tourism, health and vocational training sectors to consolidate the experience gained from Luxembourg’s development cooperation in Nicaragua. Thus 2017 was marked by the start of the programme in the tourism sector and the continuation of the programmes in the health and vocational training sectors.

In addition to the sector-based programmes, a support fund was established to support Nicaraguan civil society in the fields of gender and climate change. Luxembourg continues to support corporate social responsibility through a partnership with the Union of Nicaragua for Corporate Social Responsibility (UNIRSE).