Cooperation with the main partner countries


Conference in Paris - Minister Schneider and Secretary of State Martin Bille Hermann, 13 December 2017


Population 20,67 million
Surface area 1 267 000 km2
GNP per inhabitant (PPP in $) 970
Classification in HDI 187/188
ICP III (2016-2020) 84,5 million EUR

From 13 to 14 December 2017, Romain Schneider, Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs, participated in the round table for Niger’s technical and financial partners held in Paris. At this conference, which was devoted to the financing of Niger’s new economic and social development plan (Plan de développement économique et social - PDES), Minister Romain Schneider reiterated Luxembourg’s commitment to this partner country and announced a contribution of 1,5 million euros to this PDES.

On 13 December 2017, Minister Schneider and the Danish Secretary of State, Martin Bille Hermann, signed a delegated cooperation agreement, under which Denmark delegated to Luxembourg the management of finance amounting to 26 million euros to establish a joint programme in the water and sanitation sector in Niger.

In view of the multiple challenges faced by Niger, Luxembourg decided in June 2017 to allocate an additional 16 million euros to its bilateral cooperation programme (ICP III). 2017 saw the launch of various support programmes by Luxembourg’s development cooperation in the fields of water and sanitation, education, teaching and technical and vocational training and sustainable agricultural development. Two of these programmes are aligned with the priorities of our Niger partner and are also based on the creation of a joint sector-based fund.