Minister Schneider and Minister Rosine Hadizatou Coulibaly/Sori, 20 February 2017
Population 18,65 million
Surface area 274 220 km2
GNP per inhabitant (PPP in $) 1 730
Classification in HDI 185/188
ICP III (2017-2021) 82,3 million EUR
In terms of bilateral relations between Luxembourg and Burkina Faso, 2017 was an opportunity to strengthen cooperation through several official visits. Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs Romain Schneider visited Ougadougou on 20 February 2017 for the 9th partnership committee meeting. For her part, Rosine Hadizatou Coulibaly/Sori, Burkina Faso’s Minister of the Economy, Finance and Development, visited Luxembourg for the national annual conference (Assises de la Coopération) in September 2017, at which she was one of the major participants. Following the signature of ICP III in November 2016, 2017 was mainly devoted to the process of formulating new programmes in the fields of sustainable management of natural resources, education, teaching and technical and vocational training and information and communication technologies (ICT). After several delays, the project to support the development of ICT in Burkina Faso was formally launched in April 2017.
Burkina Faso