Husking rice in Myanmar
The “Wise Use of Water and Agriculture” project in the mountains of the Cao Bang province, northern Vietnam
In addition to the partner countries, Luxembourg’s development cooperation also maintains strong relations with various project countries; these relations are based on an approach that focuses on projects and specific issues.
In a reflection of the recent economic growth in Vietnam and El Salvador, both countries are now on the list of project countries. Vietnam and El Salvador have thus changed their status from partner countries to project countries as a result of no longer being on the list of least developed countries (LDC). Nevertheless, projects continue to be implemented there, based on different partnerships and with distinct objectives. On the one hand, these projects trial innovative arrangements for the implementation of aid or direct support to civil society, such as in El Salvador, and on the other hand they encourage the diversification of relations with Vietnam, especially in the fields of research, combating climate change and the transfer of financial technologies.
Some projects continue to be implemented in a limited number of countries where Luxembourg has been active for a large number of years, due in particular to their special status. This is the case for Kosovo, where a new multi-annual programme has started through which Luxembourg intends to support the country’s European integration and consolidate its previous support. This is also true for Mongolia, where Luxembourg’s development cooperation is currently engaged in a process of consolidating its projects in the health sector.
Luxembourg’s development cooperation is also present in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) through support for projects in the health, education and transparency and good governance sectors as well as in the agriculture and sustainable development sectors. The OPT continue to benefit from a special status equivalent to that of the partner countries, with a precise choice of sectors of intervention.
The choice to support projects in the water and sanitation sector in Afghanistan and Tajikistan is an interesting and alternative cooperation route enabled through close collaboration with the PATRIP (Pakistan Afghanistan Tajikistan Regional Integration Programme) foundation.
Finally, in Myanmar, the implementation of the first projects is in progress in the sectors of rural development and hospitality and human rights. However, given the political difficulties with the minorities in the border regions of Myanmar, especially the Rohingyas, the extension of cooperation has been halted and will be re-evaluated in the light of the political decisions taken in Myanmar.