
Chairmanship of the multilateral organization performance assessment network (MOPAN)

The main feature of 2017 was Luxembourg’s chairing of the Multilateral Organization Performance Assessment Network (MOPAN).

The Network was created in 2002 and Luxembourg has been a member since 2014. MOPAN’s mission is to evaluate the effectiveness of multilateral organisations financed to carry out development and humanitarian aid interventions. Currently, MOPAN’s 18 member countries supply 95% of official development assistance to multilateral organisations. The member countries are: Germany, Australia, Belgium, Canada, South Korea, Denmark, the United States, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Norway, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Sweden and Switzerland. The members share a common interest in evaluating the effectiveness of the main multilateral organisations that they finance.

The network is chaired on a rolling basis by its member countries. Despite the fact that it had only recently joined the Network, Luxembourg accepted the chairmanship for 2017 without hesitation. This duty was carried out by Ambassador Paul Duhr, as Chair of the Network, with the support of the Evaluation and Quality Control department of the Directorate for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs.

Luxembourg’s role was to chair and moderate discussions at the plenary sessions of the steering committee, which were held twice in 2017 - the first in April 2017 in Paris at the OECD (which houses the Network’s secretariat) and the second in Luxembourg. Luxembourg supported the members of the Network and its secretariat in planning and implementing the activities and events held over the course of 2017. In effect, Luxembourg took over the chairmanship in a pivotal year for the Network, with the publication of the evaluation reports for the 2015-2016 cycle and the launch of the evaluations of 14 international organisations selected by consensus of the members for the new 2017-2018 cycle. Luxembourg also supervised the drafting of the terms of reference of the two methodological and strategic evaluations of the Network, which will be finalised in 2018.

In December 2017, Luxembourg handed over the baton to Norway, which will chair the Network in 2018.