Cooperation with the main partner countries


EU Joint Programme


Population 6,76 million
Surface area 236 800 km2
GNP per inhabitant (PPP in $) 6 270
Classification in HDI 138/188
ICP IV (2016-2020) 75 million EUR

In 2017, Luxembourg and Laos celebrated the 20th anniversary of their development cooperation relationship. Laos remains one of Luxembourg’s development cooperation’s preferred partner countries.

The fourth ICP (2016-2020), which was signed in September 2015, is currently in the implementation phase of the projects in all the priority sectors: health, rural development, vocational training in tourism and hospitality, as well as good governance and the rule of law. The initial budget of 60 million euros was increased to 75 million euros when Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs Romain Schneider visited Laos in November 2017.

In 2017, a new cooperation project between STATEC and the Lao Statistics Bureau was launched, as well as a new project in the good governance sector in cooperation with ILSTA.

Finally, during his visit to Laos, Minister Romain Schneider announced Luxembourg’s desire to continue cooperation with Laos through a fifth-generation ICP from 2021.