Meeting on the post-2015 framework
Following the major legislative changes in 2012 to the law on development cooperation and humanitarian action and the related Grand-Ducal regulations, the General Terms and Conditions governing contractual relations between the Ministry and development NGOs, as well as the templates for proposals and reports for both cofinancing projects and framework agreements, were adapted in 2013.
After a one-year pilot phase, these documents underwent slight changes in 2013. The final results were discussed in the MFA-NGO working groups and presented to the NGOs at several information sessions with representatives of the Cercle and the Ministry.
- Deadlines for the renewal of NGO accreditation were modified. The requests must now be submitted every two years to the Ministry before 15 September of year n-1. Following a request by the Ministry to provide any missing reports and/or additional information, the NGO has two months thereafter to supply the required documents to the Ministry. Once this deadline has expired, the Ministry will send the NGO a reminder, notifying it that, if the missing documents are not submitted to the Ministry within two months, the renewal of the accreditation will not be granted.
- The NGO must have a financial audit of the project carried out by the partner if, in one of the years on the project’s implementation, the portion of funding supplied to the local partner exceeds 100 000 euros.
- Furthermore, the NGO needs to have an independent internal evaluation of the project carried out if the project budget is 250 000 euros or more (Luxembourg contribution).
- New requests for framework agreements must incorporate a dual focus drawn from the sector-based, geographical or issue-based approaches.
- At the request of the NGOs and the Cercle de Coopération, the scoreboards for the request, the calls for funds and framework agreement reports have undergone a substantial modification.
The final version of the General Terms and Conditions, the templates for proposals and reports as well as the scoreboards for the framework agreements can be found in the online documentation area for NGOs (http://cooperation.mae.lu/en/Espace-restreint-ONG-agreees).