VII. Humanitarian action

Response to the emergency situation in the Gaza Strip

The Israeli offensive launched against Hamas and the Gaza Strip, which began on 7 July 2014 and lasted 50 days, exacerbated a humanitarian situation which was already dire. The aerial attacks and the ground operations launched by Israel caused destruction and the death of 700 Palestinian civilians, while forcing over 200 000 persons to lose their homes. According to United Nations observers, Gaza was hit by over 5 000 aerial strikes, 8 000 bombs and missiles, 15 000 projectiles from warships and 36 000 ground strikes. Thus, apart from the fixed annual allocation of 750 000 to the ICRC to its programme in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, the Ministry supported the emergency projects of the ICRC, UNRWA, the Palestinian NGO PARC and the Luxembourg NGOs Action Solidarité Tiers Monde and CARE in Luxemburg. After the permanent ceasefire agreement, Handicap International Luxembourg benefited from support for a rehabilitation project aimed at reducing the threats of explosive remnants of war. Luxembourg’s total support for the Occupied Palestinian Territories amounted to 1 520 356 euros.