XI. Evaluation

Cabo Verde - Students at the Cabo Verde School of Hospitality and Tourism (EHTCV) in Praia


In 2014, the Ministry steered eleven evaluations. The monitoring of these evaluations, generally carried out by external consultants, involves a workload that varies depending on the complexity of the evaluation, i.e. among others, the size of the evaluation, the number of evaluation questions to address, even the subject to be evaluated and the actors involved in the process.

As far as possible, the Ministry tries to group evaluations by geographical areas or subject matter. Thus, an external evaluation of 5 Luxembourg NGOs active in Burkina Faso was commissioned and the mid-term reviews of the Indicative Cooperation Programmes in Laos and Vietnam were carried out by the same consultant. Apart from improving efficiency in workload terms, this approach also allows mutual learning between actors and programmes.

This idea of mutual benefit also motivated the Ministry to carry out a meta-evaluation of Luxembourg’s development cooperation’s interventions in the sub-sector of vocational training in hospitality and tourism. This exercise, which started in 2013 and ended in 2014, produced the following results: a general evaluation report, plus country reports on the interventions implemented in the sub-sector of vocational training in hospitality and tourism in the four partner countries (Vietnam, Nicaragua, Cabo Verde and Laos); and a best practice manual to build on the lessons learned.

In addition, for the first time, the Ministry evaluated the activities of a Luxemburgish NGO, Fairtrade Lëtzebuerg, in terms of development education and awareness raising. The aim of this evaluation was to verify the capacity of the NGO to enable the effective, efficient implementation of awareness-raising and development education activities, as well as the impact of these activities on the behaviour of the target audiences.

Finally, the Ministry steered the external financial audits of the emergency.lu programme and the projects implemented by the CRP Santé in the field of research and health.