III. Regional cooperation and cooperation with other countries



Since there is no direct bilateral cooperation with Afghanistan, Luxembourg’s development cooperation is continuing its projects in close collaboration with the PATRIP (Pakistan Afghanistan Tajikistan Regional Integration Programme) foundation. Projects are financed by Luxembourg through the foundation and implemented by the Danish NGO Mission East focus on the areas of water, sanitation and the promotion of hygiene (WASH). In 2014, Luxembourg’s development cooperation supported the PATRIP foundation with a sum of 1,7 million euros, which enabled piped water to be supplied and lavatories to be installed in 28 mountainous villages, 18 on the Afghan and 10 on the Tajik side of the border. In addition, 627 compost toilets were installed in those villages.

In addition, we have made total contributions of 946 488,63 euros to the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF) and to a FAO food security project.

Finally, we have supplied a sum of 895 000 euros in humanitarian and reconstruction aid via WFP, the ICRC and the Caritas foundation.