The government’s programme for the period 2013-2018 specifies that “the government remains committed to strong, voluntary action in the field of development cooperation, which shall be maintained at 1% of GNI.” This commitment was further strengthened by a decision of the government council of 3 October 2014, which established a minimum threshold for Luxembourg official development assistance (ODA) of 323 million euros.
In 2014, Luxembourg ODA amounted to 318 347 927 euros. As a percentage of gross national income (GNI), ODA in 2014 was 1,06%.
At international level, the official development assistance given by the members of the OECD’s Development Aid Committee amounted to US$ 135,2 billion – a similar amount to 2013. In absolute terms, the main donors are the United States, Great Britain, Germany, France and Japan. As a percentage of GNI allocated to ODA, Luxembourg, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom once again exceeded the objective of 0,7% set by the United Nations, while the average percentage of the member states of the OECD was 0,29%. The G7 countries provided 71% of ODA in 2014 and the contribution of the 28 countries in the European Union amounted to 74,5 billion – 0,41% of their GNI.
Global bilateral aid to the least developed countries dropped 16% compared to 2013. In contrast, Luxembourg increased it by 12,62%, some 102 million euros, or 44% of the total allocated to bilateral aid. Global bilateral aid to Africa also decreased by 5% compared to 2013, while Luxembourg’s aid increased by 9,96%, a total of 105 million euros in 2014, i.e. 45% of bilateral aid.
Since 2000, the year of the launch of the Millennium Development Goals, official development assistance worldwide has increased by 66%.