In 2014, the Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs had a total available budget of 35 000 000 euros earmarked for humanitarian interventions. The entire budget (35 013 613 euros) was spent on humanitarian interventions in various countries and in the three phases of a humanitarian crisis: emergency, transition and prevention, in line with the three pillars set out in Luxembourg’s humanitarian action strategy. If we add to this the contributions for humanitarian purposes included in the multilateral budget line, the total amount allocated to humanitarian interventions in 2014 amounted to 40 430 662 euros from the DCF and “”.
Ahead of the World Humanitarian Summit, which will take place in Istanbul in May 2016, a working group was created in Luxembourg in order to stimulate a national debate on the main challenges and strategies to adopt in terms of humanitarian action. This working group includes the Ministry’s humanitarian service, its main humanitarian partners based in Luxembourg and the universities of the University of Luxembourg.
As part of the Ministry’s efforts to improve the quality and effectiveness of its action, an initial evaluation of humanitarian projects was launched at the end of 2014, the aim of which is to evaluate the activities focusing on reducing the risk of catastrophes in Laos, activities financed by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and implemented by three Luxembourg NGOs, i.e. CARE in Luxembourg, Fondation Caritas Luxembourg and the Luxembourg Red Cross between 2011 and 2014.