The following table gives the breakdown by sector of all Luxembourg ODA expenditure in 2016.
In 2016, Luxembourg development cooperation continued to focus on sectors under the category of infrastructure and social services, which make up 38,71% of total aid (and 45,08% of bilateral aid). Education, health, population/health and fertility policy, water distribution and sanitation as well as support for governance and civil society all fall within that category.
The category of infrastructure and economic services made up 5,40% of aid (7,29% of bilateral aid), the main sub-category remaining that of investments in the sector of banks and financial services, which reflected the major commitment of Luxembourg’s development cooperation to inclusive finance.
The category of production sectors made up 4,43% of ODA in 2016 (5,95% of bilateral aid), mainly allocated to agriculture, forestry and fishing.
Support for cross-cutting issues represented 4,38% of ODA (6,12% of bilateral aid).
We should note that, under multilateral ODA, a large part of the investments (76,10%) cannot be allocated to a precise sector. This can be explained by the nature of multilateral aid, which is made up of direct contributions, mandatory or voluntary, to the multilateral agencies’ general budget.