III. Regional cooperation and cooperation with other countries


Xavier Bettel visits projects supported by Luxembourg’s development cooperation


Since 2001, Luxembourg has been actively involved in the health sector in Mongolia and is on its third project in that field.

In September 2016, the fourth annual steering committee meeting took place as part of the Cardiovascular Centre, MCH and e-health Expansion project, which has established an e-health network to provide practically all the Mongolian population with cardiology coverage and has been extended to 2017. Since 2012, e-health has also been extended to the fields of mother and child health, in cooperation with the UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund), and heart surgery. The Shastin Hospital, the centre for the cardiology section of the project, collaborates closely with the Luxembourg INCCI (Institut national de chirurgie cardiaque et de cardiologie interventionnelle) and is also developing cooperative associations for technical assistance, in particular with the Hôpital universitaire de Strasbourg and the Korea Heart Foundation. At the request of Mongolia and with a view to ensuring the sustainability and consolidation of the knowledge acquired in this field, Luxembourg’s development cooperation demonstrated its continued commitment by assisting Mongolia to draw up the business plan for the future national cardiology centre in Ulan Bator; Mongolia intends to base the plan on the relevant interventions by Luxembourg.

Luxembourg’s development cooperation is also working in the financial sector, through the capacity building and training project benefiting the staff of the Mongolian Financial Regulatory Commission (FRC) in particular, but also the institution as a whole and the Mongolian capital markets. The extension of the project to 2016, based on the results of the evaluation carried out in 2014, has enabled the project to be profitably consolidated and its impacts to be made sustainable. In the financial sector, Luxembourg also continued to support a banking training programme organised by the HoT (House of Training – Luxembourg agency for financial technology transfer) for young management staff of the commercial banks and the Mongolian Central Bank.



