Romain Schneider with Daouda Diouf, executive director of ENDA-Santé
In 2016, the international network ENDA Santé, with its headquarters in Dakar, launched the third phase of the “Frontières et vulnérabilités au VIH/SIDA en Afrique de l’Ouest” (FEVE, 2016-2020) programme, which is being implemented with the technical support of the Luxembourgish NGO Stop Aids Now/Access a.s.b.l. The aim of this programme, which has been supported by Luxembourg since it started in 2008, is to facilitate harmonised responses between the countries and in the border areas of the West Africa sub-region in order to enable the key target populations to have better access to health services and to build greater resilience to the risks of HIV.
Based on the UNAIDS 90-90-90 initiative supported by Luxembourg, FEVE III is the only sub-regional programme that focuses on the most vulnerable populations in the border areas between nine countries: Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Ivory Coast, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Mali, Niger and Senegal.
The official launch ceremony was held in November 2016 in Dakar in the presence of Minister Romain Schneider, the executive director of ENDA Santé, Daouda Diouf, the regional director of UNAIDS AOC, Djibril Dialle and the executive secretary of the Senegalese National Council Against AIDS, Safiétou Thiam. At the event, Minister Schneider repeated Luxembourg’s commitment to the fight against HIV/AIDS and to universal health coverage and emphasised in that respect the original, relevant and resilient nature of the FEVE III programme. Executive director Daouda Diouf then highlighted the innovative approach taken by the programme and its ability to anticipate challenges to general health and resilience to HIV. It is in this spirit that the programme includes the establishment of a fund dedicated to health innovation and promotion, with the aim to live up to the network’s ambition to maintain its innovation capacity in the face of health emergencies and to strengthen the entrepreneurial spirit of its partner organisations, thereby making cutting-edge contributions to health and development in West Africa.