III. Regional cooperation and cooperation with other countries


Vocational training project in hospitality and tourism

Vocational training project in hospitality and tourism


The progress made by Vietnam in development terms over the years has been considerable, such that the country’s status was changed in 2011 to a middle-income country. In the light of Vietnam’s development progress, the ICP III (2011-2015) was the last ICP to be set up and implemented between Luxembourg and Vietnam. A large number of bilateral and multilateral projects will, however, still be implemented until 2018/2019.

Some of these projects will consolidate what has been done together in the past, while others aim to explore avenues for the diversification of relations between Luxembourg and Vietnam. 

One of these projects focuses on development and local innovation and aims to reduce poverty in three coastal districts in Hué province by preparing the population better for the consequences of climate change.

In addition, alongside the support to the finance sector provided by the House of Training, a project is also being implemented to build the capacities of the finance sector – this should provide an opportunity to consolidate contacts and links between the Luxemburgish and Vietnamese financial sectors.

Scientific cooperation between Luxembourg and Vietnam aims to improve the quality and effectiveness of the services supplied by the anatomy and pathology departments of the two central hospitals.

Finally, the project to provide educational bursaries for BBI Luxembourg (School of International Hospitality and Tourism Business) to teachers at Vietnamese schools previously supported by Luxembourg’s development cooperation was renewed in 2016 and should contribute to maintaining the links between Vietnamese and Luxembourgish schools once the vocational training projects in hospitality and tourism in Vietnam have ended.



