Conference entitled “Regards croisés sur l’opérationnalisation de l’Agenda 2030”
During 2016, Luxembourg continued to provide institutional support to the executive secretariat of the international network ENDA Tiers Monde via a funding agreement covering the 2013-2017 period. This support includes a special focus on capacity building, with the aim of promoting financial sustainability and the consolidation of the ENDA Tiers Monde network. To that end, technical assistance was made available to assess the network’s property and financial assets and to establish a strategic monitoring and evaluation system that will be used long-term by all the network’s member organisations.
Alongside this support, Luxembourg also strengthened its partnership with ENDA Tiers Monde to promote more substantial collaboration on themes related to development cooperation. In this respect, two conferences were organised in Dakar to highlight the network’s wealth of expertise in social, economic and environmental topic areas.
The first conference, entitled “Regards croisés sur l’Accord de Paris pour le Climat : enjeux et perspectives” 1 took place in Dakar in March 2016: the conference was the opportunity for a critical, pluralistic debate on the various financial and operational aspects connected with the implementation of the Paris Agreement (COP 21). Forty participants from the fields of academia, government, diplomacy and agro-ecology attended the event, in which Luxembourg’s Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (MFEA) took part.
The second conference, entitled “Regards croisés sur l’opérationnalisation de l’Agenda 2030” 2 was held in Dakar in November 2016 with the participation of the Director of Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Action, Martine Schommer. The debate was an opportunity to exchange views on the main issues connected with the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Senegal and in the sub-region and to come to an agreement, in particular, on the need to introduce a planning and monitoring framework that is inclusive, relevant and adapted to local, regional, and national realities.
1 Translation: Comparing notes on the Paris Climate Agreement: issues and prospects
2 Translation: Comparing notes on putting Agenda 2030 into action