XI. Evaluation

Cabo Verde - Students at the Cabo Verde School of Hospitality and Tourism (EHTCV) in Praia

Meta-evaluation of Luxembourg development cooperation’s interventions in the sub-sector of vocational training in hospitality and tourism

The main recommendations of the meta-evaluations of Luxembourg development cooperation’s interventions in the sub-sector of vocational training in hospitality and tourism

The report concluded that it would be useful to:

1. Carry out an identification and intervention formulation phase, a risk analysis and the necessary sector-based and institutional analyses; draw up at the beginning an exit strategy which can contribute to the sustainability of the intervention.

2. Improve and build on the monitoring of the interventions by creating a standardised format for data collection and key performance indicators for each implementation phase; adopt a results-based approach.

3. Improve from the start the communication and exchange between the actors in the sub-sector of vocational training in hospitality and tourism, especially the actors in the private sector in order to involve them more.