The Development Cooperation Fund (DCF) is a mechanism that enables the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to properly implement cooperation programmes and projects spread over a number of years, as foreseen by the amended law of 6 January 1996 on development cooperation and humanitarian activity.
The State budget contributed 167.685 million euros to the DCF in 2012; additional funds were available as of January, including 1.032 million euros in credit, and as well as a surplus of 2.065 million euros from the preceding financial year, due primarily to reimbursements of unused funds from NGOs within the context of projects that were co-funded by the ministry.
In 2012, a total of 169.904 million euros was disbursed under the auspices of the DCF. Half of it (51.68 %, or 87.284 million euros) was entrusted to the Lux-Development agency, the principal proxy agent entrusted with implementing projects and programmes within the context of bilateral governmental cooperation.
It should also be noted that almost 20 % of the available funds were allocated to NGOs for the purposes of implementing their co-financed projects and programmes.. The intervention of UN agencies in Luxembourg’s Development Cooperation partner countries represents almost 11 % of the disbursed funds.