
Embassy in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Embassy in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Useful addresses

Addresses of Luxembourg’s missions and offices abroad involved in managing development cooperation and humanitarian aid projects

Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Hanoi
Pacific Place - Suite 1403
83B Ly Thuong Kiet
Hoan Kiem
Hanoi - Vietnam
Tel.: +84 43 946 14 14
Fax: +84 43 946 14 15

The office is responsible for development cooperation relations with Vietnam and Laos, the two privileged partner countries in South-East Asia. The office manager is Mr Marc Franck.

Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Dakar
Cité des Jeunes Cadres Lébous
Zone Toundoup Riya
Lot n°43, Route de l’aéroport Léopold Sédar Senghor
BP 11750 Dakar - Sénégal
Tel.: +221 33 869 59-59 / 61 / 62 / 63
Fax: +221 33 869 59 60

The office is responsible for development cooperation relations with Senegal and Mali. The manager is Mr Sam Schreiner.

Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Praia
C.P. 163
Praia - Cap Vert
Tel.: +238 261 95 62
Fax:  +238 261 95 63

The office is responsible for the coordination of development cooperation relations with the Republic of Cape Verde. The manager is Mr Marc of Bourcy.

Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Pristina
14, Metush Krasniqi
10 000 Pristina - Dragodan
Tel.: +381 38 266 787
Fax: +381 38 266 787

The office mainly handles development cooperation relations with Kosovo, but also - if need be - with Serbia  and Montenegro. The manager is Mr Pierre Weber.

Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Ouagadougou
937 Avenue Kwamé N’krumah
11 B.P. 1609 CMS
Ouagadougou 11
Burkina Faso
Tel.: +226 503 013-37 / 38
Fax: +226 50 30 15 09

The office is in charge of development cooperation relations with Burkina Faso and Niger. The manager is Mr Georges Ternes.

Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Managua
Del Hospital Militar, 1 c. al lago, 1 c. ½ abajo
Contiguo al Hotel Maracaas INN
AP 969
Managua - Nicaragua
Tel.: +505 22 68 1881
Fax: +505 22 66 7965

The office is in charge of development cooperation relations with Nicaragua and El Salvador. The manager
is Mr Thierry Lippert.

Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency

Lux-Development S.A.
10, rue de la Grève
B.P. 2273
L-1022 Luxembourg
Tel.: +352 29 58 58 1
Fax: +352 29 58 58 200

NGO platform, Cercle de Coopération

13, avenue Gaston Diderich
L-1420 Luxembourg
Fax: +352 26 02 09 26

secretariat :

Ms Christine Dahm (General Secretary)
Tel.: +352 26 02 09-11

Ms Monica Fernandes / M. Fabien Ledecq
(support/advice on development education)
Tél.: +352 26 02 09-33
Email: /

Technical Assistance Bureau (BAT) :

Mr François-Xavier Dupret
(synergies and training manager)
Tel.: +352 26 02 09-21

Mr Dennis Yaun
(support/advice for development projects)
Tel.: +352 26 02 09-22

Documentation centres in Luxembourg specialised in development cooperation

Centre d’Information Tiers Monde (CITIM
55, avenue de la Liberté
L-1931 Luxembourg
Tel.: +352 40 04 27-1 / 31
Fax: +352 40 04 27-27

Maison de la Microfinance
2, rue Sainte-Zithe
L-2763 Luxembourg
Tel.: +352 45 68 68-1
Fax: +352 45 68 68-68