I. Contact details of Luxembourg delegations and offices overseas involved in the management of development cooperation and humanitarian action projects
Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Vientiane
Rue Dongpayna, Ban Saphanthong Neua
Sisattanak District
Vientiane Capital
Tel.: +856 21 417320
Fax: +856 21 417321
Email: vientiane.amb@mae.etat.lu
The embassy is responsible for cooperation relations with Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam. Relevant official: Sam Schreiner, acting chargé d’affaires
Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Dakar
Cité des Jeunes Cadres Lébous
Zone Toundoup Riya
Lot No 43, 2nd floor, Route de l’aéroport Léopold Sédar Senghor
BP 11750 Dakar – Republic of Senegal
Tel.: +221 33 869 59 59 / 61 / 62 / 63
Fax: +221 33 869 59 60
Email: dakar.amb@mae.etat.lu
The embassy is responsible for cooperation relations with Senegal and Mali. Relevant official: Ms Nicole Bintner, Ambassador
Embassy Office in Bamako
3rd floor, Immeuble du Conseil National du Patronat malien
ACI 2000, Bamako
Tel: +223 20 23 00 89
Fax: +221 33 86 95 960
Email: Patrick.fischbach@mae.etat.lu
Relevant official: Mr Patrick Fischbach, bureau chief.
Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Praia
B.P. 163
Encosta da Estrada Cruz de Papa-Quebra Canela
Praia - Cabo Verde
Tel.: +238 261 95 62
Fax: +238 261 95 63
Email: praia.amb@mae.etat.lu
The embassy is responsible for development cooperation relations with the Republic of Cabo Verde.
Relevant official: Ms Angèle Da Cruz, acting chargé d’affaires
Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Pristina
14, Rr. Selim Berisha
10 000 Pristina - Dragodan
Tel./Fax: +383 38 22 67 87
Email: pristina.amb@mae.etat.lu
The embassy is mainly concerned with cooperation relations
in Kosovo.
Relevant official: Ms Anne Dostert, acting chargé d’affaires
Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Ouagadougou
937 Avenue Kwamé N’krumah
B.P. 1609 CMS
Ouagadougou 11
Burkina Faso
Tel.: +226 25 30 13 38/39
Fax: +226 25 30 13 40
Email@ ouagadougou.amb@mae.etat.lu
The embassy is responsible for cooperation relations with Burkina Faso and Niger.
Relevant official: Mr Max Lamesch, acting chargé d’affaires
Embassy Office in Niamey
Rue YN-129/Lux-Development Building
BP 13 254 Niamey
Tel: +227 20 35 12 73
Fax: +227 89 88 17 05
Relevant official: Mr Eric Dietz, bureau chief
Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Managua
Bolonia, del antiguo Hospital Militar, 1 c. al norte, 1.5 c. al Oeste
Frente al Hotel Maracas INN
AP 969
Managua - Nicaragua
Tel.: +505 22 68 1881
Fax: +505 22 66 7965
Email: managua.amb@mae.etat.lu
The embassy is responsible for cooperation relations with Nicaragua and El Salvador.
Relevant official: Mr André Biever, acting chargé d’affaires
II. Luxembourg Agency for Development Cooperation
Lux-Development S.A.
10, rue de la Grève
B.P. 2273
L-1022 Luxembourg
Tel.: +352 29 58 58 1
Fax: +352 29 58 58 200
Email: ask@lux-development.lu
Home page: www.luxdev.lu
III. Cooperation Cercle of Development NGOs
1-7, rue St Ulric
L-2651 Luxembourg
Fax: +352 26 02 09 26
Email: info@cercle.lu
Home page: www.cercle.lu
IV. Documentation centres in Luxembourg specialising in development cooperation
Third World Information Centre
(Centre d’Information Tiers Monde - CITIM)
55, avenue de la Liberté
L-1931 Luxembourg
Tel.: +352 40 04 27-1 / 31
Fax: +352 40 04 27-27
Email: education@astm.lu
Home page: www.astm.lu or www.citim.lu
House of Microfinance
39, rue Glesener
L-1631 Luxembourg
Tel.: +352 45 68 68-1
Fax: +352 45 68 68-68
Email: info@ada-microfinance.lu
Home page: www.microfinance.lu